The Basics Homemade Vegan Pizza with Vegan Mozzarella Nut Free Plantifully Based
Recipe by Plantifully Based
The Basics Homemade Vegan Pizza with The Best Vegan Mozzarella Nut Free Plantifully Based
Recipe Ingredients:
Wheat Flour1teaspoon
Yeast extract spread1tablespoon
Sugar1 ½tablespoon
Olive Oil1cup, chopped
Water Convolvulus½cup chopped (1/2" pieces)
Cauliflower3 ½tablespoon
Tapioca 1tablespoon
Nutritional Yeast2teaspoon
Salt½fl oz (approximate weight, 1 serving)
Rice Milk¾cup
Tomato Sauce¼teaspoon
Garlic Powder¼cup chopped
Parsley¼teaspoon, leaves
Dried Oregano Spices1teaspoon
Cayenne PepperServings: 2
Nutrition Facts:
ServingRecipe100g3ozMore recipes by Plantifully Based:
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